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Part 3 of how TV screen affects life

ifilm’s quick tip series: 3- TV and kids

TVs, like many other types of screens, are all around us. They entertain, and at times drain your energy. Here’s a series of short annotated articles on how to balance your life and yourself, vis-à-vis Television, and at times, other types of entertainment on the screens. Stay with ifilm website.

Avoiding Television is almost inevitable for most people, as they stay tuned for hours. That includes virtually every family member, from the kids to the grandparents. It has both got upsides and downsides.

As our next generation is what we all take utmost care about, even more than what we do for ourselves, let’s continue with the children in part 3 of this series.

Decades-long research has shown that children who are exposed, most of the time, to background noise from TV in their parental homes, will have trouble in the future paying attention to voices whenever there is background noise around.

However, there is this upside, possibly, that your kid watched instructive programs; doing that directly or indirectly. Chances are high that your son or daughter, once in higher grades, will be less aggressive and will appreciate the studies when they are doing high school program.

Put in a nutshell, can we say that TV or screens, in general, may be utilized in both harmful and beneficial ways. Your choice of the programs, the watching time, and many other factors play role in the final result.

There will be more on screens and children, in the future parts of this series of articles. Come back here often. You can read the next part next week, right here.

